• AVID eBinders


    Learning is a story.
    As with any story, there is a beginning, a middle, and an end. This learning process is best told through the eyes of one who has learned along this journey of discovery. The AVID eBinder is the ideal place to put this story together and share it with others. Students can exercise their agency to customize their eBinders to tell their own unique learning stories.

    The purpose of any binder is organization.
    An eBinder is a place for students to collect work, reflect on the learning process, and then recollect their learning for the purpose of sharing or studying. eBinders promote student agency by empowering students to take ownership of their learning.

  • The three basic functions of an eBinder are to allow a place for students to collect, reflect on, and recollect their learning.

  • Collect


    Collecting information in written word during class is important, but so is collecting multimedia, such as pictures, videos, and vocal components, to tie into your reflection later. It just so happens that the only place all of these artifacts can coexist is an eBinder.



    Students reflect on their daily learning and make connections to the broader essential questions for a unit or chapter.



    Recollection is a product of the organization of an eBinder. Students can easily find and remember what they did based on the learning hooks they created during collection and reflection so that they can apply and share their learning.